Saturday, August 14, 2010


Cash's vocabulary is increasing daily as he learns more words and puts them together to form simple sentences. I love his little voice and the way he puckers his lips when he talks- that he calls Sydney "Ne" (originally he called her Nydney and recently shortened it) however lately Cash has tacked on the words Now Ok to his sentences which is not ok! For example "I waters NOW OKKKK" translation I want water NOW! Gone is the cute squinlty eye "Peez" and the accompanying "Tank cu". I realize I am to blame because when I ask him to do something, typically it takes a few times and with each request, the level of annoyance in my voice can be felt and I add the words Now ok? While I am trying to nip this new catch phrase in the bud if you happen to have my sweet bowl cut boy ask/demand something Now okkk- just remind him to say please- ok?

Sidenote: I am able to blog right now because both he and Jane are napping, I have been trying to push Cash to a 1pm nap instead of a 12pm nap, but at 12pm he looked at me and said "Nap NOW OKKK" and I smiled and said Ok and tucked him in

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