Saturday, October 16, 2010

ARRRR we be pirates

I know I have said it before, but I love Halloween- I begin plotting and planning costumes waaaayyyy in advance. This year I decided that we would be pirates and the baby (pre knowing the gender) would be our parrot. Well, they moved the time honored tradition of the ward trunk or treat up 2 weeks (translation PANIC since my Mom who I usually rope into making the costumes would not be in town just yet) so GASP I had to sew (well and hot glue) the costumes! Jane's parrot turned out more like Elmo in bird formation, but oh well- We arrived at the trunk or treat only to discover we did not have our memory card in the camera- so I am stealing this pic from Kristin (lets be honest she takes waaaayyyy better pics anyway)


michelle said...

Jane is adorable! Love the costumes, go team Hollingshead.

Jaime Rubio said...

Oh leave it to you for an adorable thoughtful costumes! Way cute!