Friday, July 31, 2009

Crooked Arrow

After being seperated from their Dad for 5 days, the kids were really excited to pick him up from the airport ( I was really excited too!-) so of course his plane was delayed, but once we were reunited again we had 2 destinations for the night. For us a trip "home" has several "must do" and the top of the list a visit through In N Out- and then up to Rose Hills to see Johnny parents and my Dad (they are buried right next to each other). Poor Cash struggled to keep his balance at Rose Hills, but it was just a lot of fun to be together.

*Sydney informed us we all needed to get shirts with the crooked arrow on it- Johnny and I were confused what the "crooked arrow" was until we saw one-

1 comment:

Cathy Lewis said...

In Johnny's birthday gift box I included a catalogue from In & Out as a joke. Shall we order a t-shirt for Syd and your family??!!