Johnny and I took advantage of the last day our older kids were in day care and left Jane with grandma and we headed to lunch at a little Italian place (that did not have kids menus!) called Canellas and then to a moive- Grownups. It was really fun to be out just the two of us. Because it is so hot Johnny requested a No Bake Cheesecake so we did not have to turn to oven on to bake a cake. Happy Birthday Hon!
Moments in the crazy lives of Laura, Johnny, Sydney, Cash and Jane (oh and Rosco too)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Johnny
Johnny and I took advantage of the last day our older kids were in day care and left Jane with grandma and we headed to lunch at a little Italian place (that did not have kids menus!) called Canellas and then to a moive- Grownups. It was really fun to be out just the two of us. Because it is so hot Johnny requested a No Bake Cheesecake so we did not have to turn to oven on to bake a cake. Happy Birthday Hon!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Johnny and Lizzy
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Her Name: Jane Bea
While we did not know if we were having a boy or a girl, after the emotional rollar coaster with Cash's name, Johnny and I decided we would basically have a boy name and a girl name ready this time so that when the baby came out we were commited. Months ago after going through our name book for the thousandth time Johnny said, "What about Jane" and I said "Sold" while it is not based on any other Jane (even though I do love a good Jane Austen novel) it was more so because it was short and sweet. The last name has been in question/debate for a while. Our tradition is that one of their names be after a family member. Afew weeks before her arrival I pitched Bea short for Beatrice after Johnny's grandmother (she went by the nickname of Tommy) then when we realized the baby would be born on the 23rd. Johnny got on his phone i the hospital and began looking up cool trivia about June 23rd and we discovered that on June 23, 1910 Gordan B. Hinkley was born! So the "B' is also a little for him too- (Note: if it had been a boy we last minute switched the middle name ot Gordan) So while I hope o one ever calls her "Plain Jane" she is our sweet little Jane and has already been nicknamed Miss short for Miss Jane.
Our First Visitors
I knew Sydney would instantly take to the baby-she was amazing with Cash- now Cash on the other hand I was concerned- he can be a momma's boy and was a year younger than Syd when he arrived, so I complelty taken back when Johnny went and picked up the kids and our faithful babysitter and brought them to see Jane. Cash walked right in said, "Hi Mom' the he stretched out his arms and said, "My baby-hold" and he has been trying to hold and kiss her ever since!
She's here!!!!
While Jane Bea Hollinghsead is officially 3 weeks old as I am writing this, I am so far behind on blogging, laundry, and the most important SLEEP! So here our the details of our sweet gilrs arrival- as previously mentioned I had been expereincing contractions-2 minutes apart for 2 hours and then they would just stop! So I told myself the next time it happens I am heading to the hospital to get the baby hooked up to a monitor to make sure the baby was able to handle the contractions. So while I was at work on Tuesday the 22nd around 4:00pm I started having contractions (my co-workers were suoer sweet especailly considering they had lost the pool that the baby BOY would arrive the weekend prior) Johnny had the kids so I went home and started walking laps around my backyard and the contractions continued. Around 7pm I called the midwife who said I could come in but told me on the phone they would not give me anything to keep labor progressing since I was still not 38 weeks. I assured her I was not seeking to be induced, but just to make sure the baby was ok. I put my bag in the back of my car and drove myself to hospital. As I was pulling out of the driveway, Sydney yelled, "Hey Mom, call us and tell us what it is"
So here was the plan- I would head to the hospital, hang out for an hour on the monitors confirm the baby was ok and then head home- meanwhile Johnny would bathe the kids and put them bed- and then IF I was really in labor, he would call in the troops and meet me at the hospital.
I have to admit it was a little odd driving myself to the hospital and my contractions actually stopped while I drove causing me to almost turn around and head home I said a little prayer that if I was supposed to head to the hospital I would have another contraction and I sure enough I had one as i was pulling in.
After getting checked in I started walking the halls and after an hour I had progressed to 4 cm and my blood pressure was slightly elevated so I was told I was staying. At this point I called Johnny who called his Uncle Allen (side note: all Johnny said was "Lo is. . ." and Allen said on my way- he made it to our house in 35 minutes from Orem-he's great!) once Allen arrived with our kids already in bed Johnny headed to the hospital.
It was so nice to have him there- the midwife came in and said because I had had an elevated blood pressure upon arrival (it had dropped back down) that she wanted to break my water to move things along around 10pm or so. I said , "ok" and the contractions intensified after that. I ended up getting my epidural around midnight and while I was progressing the midwife offered pitosin to speed things up. Now with Syd I hated the pitosin-completelty avioded it with Cash and had now desire to have it, but as she put it, we could hook you up to pitosin and have a baby in the next 2 hours or let you go on your own for probably 4 more hours- so. . . I said more drugs please! Sure neough it did the job and I was pushing just after 3am. It was the easiest in terms of pushing-one I had my midwife present (Syd's doc was at another hospital and I had to wait mid pushing for her- with Cash it progressed really fast at the end and my epidural was strong and I could not feel if i was pushing) this time the epidural was great- it took the edge off, but I could still feel pressure so only after 15 moniutes or so of pushing the midwife looked down at the babies face and said- it looks like a boy- Johnny looked at the face and said, "No it looks like Syd" sure enough with one more push and the cord pulled aside we discovered we had a beautiful baby girl. she was 20 inches long, 7lbs 7oz and arrived 3:36 am. I was happy and super exhausted. /div>
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I am Done
Ok- I will be the first to admit it, one of my catch phrases is "I am Done" this phrase can be used in a variety of daily situations and now extends to my pregnancy. I really wanted this baby to be born in July specifically after my family reunion. Then well over a week ago I started having almost daily bous of contractions- they are intense- two minutes apart- lasting just long enough for me to get ready to head to the hospital and then they stop! At first I was relieved because I was so not ready, but now I am. I know once it starts i may regret writing this, but since it is 3 am and once again i am wide awake- I am done!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Girls Night

With Johnny and Cash gone, Sydney and I ventured out for some fun with my former roomate/Johnny's cousin, Kristin and her daughter, Lydia who just moved back to SLC area- After dinner (so fun to not be chasing Cash) we suffered through Furry Vengance- the girls loved it- I guess if I was 5 a racoon peeing on people could be funny? Overall it was fun just to do something with Syd that did not involve a grocery list.
Fathers and Sons
Johnny took Cash to Fathers and Sons outing this weekend, as usual I am paranoid while they are gone and as usual Cash comes back safe, happy and worn out. The higlights this year-sleeping in our friends camper, playing with his glow in dark sword and shooting (with Johnny's help) his first BB gun!
Cash is also sporting his new haircut compliments of his Dad!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I have been remarkably calm about this pregnancy- I am sure chalking it up to #3, but then last night as I started looking at my house, my husband who reinjured his back and my growing need to waddle-the panic started to creep in-further compounded by the fact that just like Cash's pregnancy I had contractions 2-3 minutes apart for 1 1/2 hours this morning! So. . .I guess the baby is telling me ready or not here I come.
Note: Cash came 10 days after the similiar incident- at 38 weeks
Note: Cash came 10 days after the similiar incident- at 38 weeks
Friday, June 4, 2010
talking with Jesus
So last week we were drving to Target to take Cash's birthday pics when Syd asked me "Since I am old if I was alive when Jesus was" when I told her No-she proceeded to say that she would love to meet Jesus because she had so many questions to ask him. I was curious what she would ask so I asked her what she would ask him-this was her reply (heaven helpme when she is a teenager)
"Well (picture a 5 year old with one hand gesturing while saying this) first I would ask him how did a smart kid like me end up with 2 parents who don't even know their names"
I admit I was stunned- and not sure if I should laugh or not because she was being serious-so I responded with
"You don't think that Dad and I know our own names?" still thinking she is kidding- oh no- the hand again gestures and from the sound of her voice I am sure there was some eye rolling with her reply of-
"Mom it is just an example what I am saying is that I am smart and that you and Dad are well. . .you know"
Ya I know- are in some serious trouble with her in a few years-so while I have tried (with my apparant intellectual defeciencies) to figure out the source of her feelings and came up with the following reason-lately Syd has been asking me a lot of questions that I do not know the answer to- to which I reply "I don't know"-in my defense I did not know which of her teachers would be at swim lessons or if her friend's mom was at work-so my attempts to be honest left her doubting my intellect- now in terms of Johnny's excuse? I don't know.
"Well (picture a 5 year old with one hand gesturing while saying this) first I would ask him how did a smart kid like me end up with 2 parents who don't even know their names"
I admit I was stunned- and not sure if I should laugh or not because she was being serious-so I responded with
"You don't think that Dad and I know our own names?" still thinking she is kidding- oh no- the hand again gestures and from the sound of her voice I am sure there was some eye rolling with her reply of-
"Mom it is just an example what I am saying is that I am smart and that you and Dad are well. . .you know"
Ya I know- are in some serious trouble with her in a few years-so while I have tried (with my apparant intellectual defeciencies) to figure out the source of her feelings and came up with the following reason-lately Syd has been asking me a lot of questions that I do not know the answer to- to which I reply "I don't know"-in my defense I did not know which of her teachers would be at swim lessons or if her friend's mom was at work-so my attempts to be honest left her doubting my intellect- now in terms of Johnny's excuse? I don't know.
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