Wednesday, June 23, 2010

She's here!!!!

While Jane Bea Hollinghsead is officially 3 weeks old as I am writing this, I am so far behind on blogging, laundry, and the most important SLEEP! So here our the details of our sweet gilrs arrival- as previously mentioned I had been expereincing contractions-2 minutes apart for 2 hours and then they would just stop! So I told myself the next time it happens I am heading to the hospital to get the baby hooked up to a monitor to make sure the baby was able to handle the contractions. So while I was at work on Tuesday the 22nd around 4:00pm I started having contractions (my co-workers were suoer sweet especailly considering they had lost the pool that the baby BOY would arrive the weekend prior) Johnny had the kids so I went home and started walking laps around my backyard and the contractions continued. Around 7pm I called the midwife who said I could come in but told me on the phone they would not give me anything to keep labor progressing since I was still not 38 weeks. I assured her I was not seeking to be induced, but just to make sure the baby was ok. I put my bag in the back of my car and drove myself to hospital. As I was pulling out of the driveway, Sydney yelled, "Hey Mom, call us and tell us what it is"

So here was the plan- I would head to the hospital, hang out for an hour on the monitors confirm the baby was ok and then head home- meanwhile Johnny would bathe the kids and put them bed- and then IF I was really in labor, he would call in the troops and meet me at the hospital.

I have to admit it was a little odd driving myself to the hospital and my contractions actually stopped while I drove causing me to almost turn around and head home I said a little prayer that if I was supposed to head to the hospital I would have another contraction and I sure enough I had one as i was pulling in.
After getting checked in I started walking the halls and after an hour I had progressed to 4 cm and my blood pressure was slightly elevated so I was told I was staying. At this point I called Johnny who called his Uncle Allen (side note: all Johnny said was "Lo is. . ." and Allen said on my way- he made it to our house in 35 minutes from Orem-he's great!) once Allen arrived with our kids already in bed Johnny headed to the hospital.
It was so nice to have him there- the midwife came in and said because I had had an elevated blood pressure upon arrival (it had dropped back down) that she wanted to break my water to move things along around 10pm or so. I said , "ok" and the contractions intensified after that. I ended up getting my epidural around midnight and while I was progressing the midwife offered pitosin to speed things up. Now with Syd I hated the pitosin-completelty avioded it with Cash and had now desire to have it, but as she put it, we could hook you up to pitosin and have a baby in the next 2 hours or let you go on your own for probably 4 more hours- so. . . I said more drugs please! Sure neough it did the job and I was pushing just after 3am. It was the easiest in terms of pushing-one I had my midwife present (Syd's doc was at another hospital and I had to wait mid pushing for her- with Cash it progressed really fast at the end and my epidural was strong and I could not feel if i was pushing) this time the epidural was great- it took the edge off, but I could still feel pressure so only after 15 moniutes or so of pushing the midwife looked down at the babies face and said- it looks like a boy- Johnny looked at the face and said, "No it looks like Syd" sure enough with one more push and the cord pulled aside we discovered we had a beautiful baby girl. she was 20 inches long, 7lbs 7oz and arrived 3:36 am. I was happy and super exhausted. /div>

1 comment:

michelle said...

You're a machine! So happy that everything went well with little Jane's arrival. I love you.