Monday, March 2, 2009


Back in High School-I was introduced to the "Dollar Movie" by Rebecca Greer and we would pile in her Dad's teal car and head to the Seal Beach theater to catch a cheap movie. Well, that theater is long gone, but in Utah the dollar theater still lives on. In the past Johnny and I would dip through our spare change jar to get enough quarters to head to the movies, but with kids our movie going days diminished. Well, on Saturday we decided to give it try since Cash did great on Christmas day when we saw Bedtime Stories we ALL headed to the dollar theater to see Bolt. Armed with our contraband of candy from the store, we headed in to the less than nice theater, but Cash was enthralled, he did not require stadium seating or a reclining seat with movable arm rest-no he was loving life sitting tall on Dad's lap. His enthusiasm nicely carried him through the first half of the movie, then he slept on Johnny the remainder. Sydney loved it and loved laughing out loud with the other kids-and truthfully Johnny and I really enjoyed it. So overall a fun filled family activity for $3.75!


Rebecca said...

I miss those days.

Cathy Lewis said...

How wonderful! It was worth the try and turned out great.