Sunday, March 8, 2009

Momma Mia here we go again

Once again the germs of daycare strike and both kids have gross nasty coughs, so we have been laying low at home and watching Sydney's newest favorite movie, "Momma Mia", anyway Sydney loves to dance around and sing the songs, well the songs weren't the only thing that Sydney picked up-she picked up some dialogue as well in the form of a very dramtic "Oh my G --" so when I corrected Sydney and told her that we do not say that, that it hurts Heavenly Father's feelings I prompted her and said instead of saying that we could say. . .(thinking she would say oh my goodness or ofh my gosh) she paused, tilted her head and replied "Oh my dude?" so Mamma Mia here we go again, hopefully this week goes smoother.


Kristi David said...

Funny girl!

The McGary Family said...

I still like "tough crap"...I use that a lot now.