Sunday, March 8, 2009


So. . .I admit there are times as a mother or even a wife that my patience is somewhat lacking-now combine that with lack of sleep (Cash has not been sleeping well), that "time" of the month, no sugar (so far almost 10 pounds lost!) and Sydney being a 3 year old and you have my Wednesday aka a recipe for disaster. So it was one of those days where all I seemed to be doing was redirecting Sydney for one poor choice (Syd don't touch your brother, don't climb on the furniture. . .) anyway so by dinner time (Johnny had to work late) I was done and while my patience was running on empty my sarcasm was on full board. So, when Sydney spilled her peaches all over herself my less than sweet reply was "Shocker-you spilled your peaches, shocker your not sitting up at the table, shocker your not using your spoon" (I know not a nice mom-I later apologized to Sydney and ate a cookie :) Syndey turned around and with equal annoyance in her voice said, "Shocker your a mean Mom!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or eat another cookie!


Rebecca said...

Been there, experience that type of day, well almost daily.

The McGary Family said...

so your choices are: laugh, cry or eat a cookie...let's take a vote!!

love you!

Cathy Lewis said...

I'm sorry, but I am laughing. I am so glad you are writing down these "Sydneyisms" to remember them. Jeff asked the other day if you were still a thumb...I would say the answer is yes.