Friday, June 4, 2010

talking with Jesus

So last week we were drving to Target to take Cash's birthday pics when Syd asked me "Since I am old if I was alive when Jesus was" when I told her No-she proceeded to say that she would love to meet Jesus because she had so many questions to ask him. I was curious what she would ask so I asked her what she would ask him-this was her reply (heaven helpme when she is a teenager)
"Well (picture a 5 year old with one hand gesturing while saying this) first I would ask him how did a smart kid like me end up with 2 parents who don't even know their names"

I admit I was stunned- and not sure if I should laugh or not because she was being serious-so I responded with

"You don't think that Dad and I know our own names?" still thinking she is kidding- oh no- the hand again gestures and from the sound of her voice I am sure there was some eye rolling with her reply of-

"Mom it is just an example what I am saying is that I am smart and that you and Dad are well. . .you know"

Ya I know- are in some serious trouble with her in a few years-so while I have tried (with my apparant intellectual defeciencies) to figure out the source of her feelings and came up with the following reason-lately Syd has been asking me a lot of questions that I do not know the answer to- to which I reply "I don't know"-in my defense I did not know which of her teachers would be at swim lessons or if her friend's mom was at work-so my attempts to be honest left her doubting my intellect- now in terms of Johnny's excuse? I don't know.


me and my boys said...

Laughed out loud at that one. It's going to make me think twice next time I want to say, "I don't know" to one of the boys ;)

cheyney webb said...

What a cute sassafrass!